Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Soul Knows: Your Built-In Compass

When consulting with people on their spiritual growth and spiritual guidance, I receive a lot of questions that sound like, "What should I be reading, studying and doing for my spiritual growth?" While I think the answer to this or similar questions is different and very personal to the individual based on where they are coming from (their own personal spiritual experiences and interests), I do believe that there are some commonalities to consider.

When we are earnestly seeking spiritual guidance in our life, this guidance will largely come to us in two forms. Internal guidance and external guidance. I recommend combining the two by seeking out both internal and external guidance. This article could be an example of external guidance; however, the content of this message is regarding one form of internal guidance.

One of the commonalities which we all possess, but often times overlook or don't consider at all, is Our Soul. If we pay attention, our soul will act as a compass of sorts, leading us to what it is we seek to learn and experience in this lifetime. The communication between your soul and your conscious mind comes in the form of intuition, a flash of thought and feelings in your solar plexus. We often hear the later being described as a "gut feeling" or something similar.

We all receive these communications from our soul, but equally as often, we tend to discount these subtle forms of communication. We tend to doubt our intuition or flashes of thought and chalk them up as our imagination. It is difficult for our soul to get through to us, difficult for the soul to impress on the mind the guidance we seek, when our mind is going a hundred-miles-per-hour.

Set your intention and step out of the way. Be open and expect, as you have asked (in this example of spiritual guidance) for Spirit and your Soul to bring into your life what it is you need at this time. The guidance may come in ways that you did not expect. Be patient, be open and pay attention. Pay attention to how you feel when you are drawn to something to read. Pay attention to your intuition and those flashes of thought that pop into your mind out of nowhere. Quiet your mind enough so that you may hear the internal guidance that comes your way.

This is one way your soul can lead you to the next step in your spiritual journey!

Many Blessings to you!


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