Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Healing Power of Silence

We all lead busy lives. At any one time, we juggle (and seek to balance) multiple priorities in life. Some of your priorities may include your family, your career, relationships, hobbies or interests. Some days, perhaps even most days, it feels like we are on the move (physically and mentally) from the moment we wake up until the time we go to sleep. Simply put, we live in a loud and busy world.

It is possible, if we are not careful, for our mind to go go go during all of our waking hours. Sometimes it is helpful to have a reminder to slow down, even for a few moments. Here's an example. There is a plaque on the wall in my living room which reads, "Be Still and Know That I Am God". For me, this plaque serves as a nice reminder that my perception and awareness of the Divine is far easier when my mind is quiet and still.

When my mind is full of all of the things I have to do today, tomorrow or next week, it is less likely for me to perceive the presence of the 'still small voice' in my day.

There is much healing power found in silence. The sun rises in the morning in silence. The sun sets at the end of the day in silence. How much silence do you have in your day? Admittedly, sometimes inserting a little silence into your day is not easy. Take the example of a mother with small children. It can be very challenging for a mother to find even a little quiet time in a day. I am not suggesting it is easy. I am suggesting it is very valuable.

Unless you are practiced in meditation, it is difficult to experience internal silence when there is a lot of external noise. So initially, having external silence will aid in helping you reach internal silence. After you are practiced at willing internal silence into your being, you will be able to find internal peace even when the external world is loud and busy.

It is during times of internal silence, of stillness, when we can consciously connect with the Divine within. We can turn off, even for a short time, the stimulus of the external world and allow ourselves to connect with Spirit. The healing power of silence and connecting with Spirit gives us much of what is needed to effectively work through life's ups and downs.

There is a peacefulness which enters into our being when we give ourselves the gift of a little silence. You will find that this peacefulness will last longer and longer as you regularly add some silence to your day.

In Love and In Light,


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