Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Mind: Tamed or Untamed?

(Part 1)
Is the mind tamed or untamed? That is the question.

When we look carefully, we are offered some valuable guidance in the first chapter of Genesis, verse 28 (I am quoting from Lamsa's translation of the Bible from the Aramaic of the Peshitta). This is a commonly quoted passage. Having said that, many people have a difficult time being able to complete the guidance offered...the last two words in the section I will quote are really important! We read, "And God blessed them, and God said to them, be fruitful, and multiple, and fill the earth, and [?] it." Without peeking, what goes in the [brackets]? We have heard the fruitful part and we have heard the multiple and fill the earth part (they don't need a lot of explaining), but what about the last part?

The word which goes in the [brackets] is SUBDUE. "...and fill the earth, and subdue it." What does this mean? Subdue means to overcome, tame, or tone down. To tame what? The "it" in this quote is referring to the earth, to this material world. The world we live in is a world in which duality exists. I will offer a suggestion. I think the writer of this scripture is referring to overcoming or taming the duality of this material world.

Overcoming or taming the dualities of life begins in the mind. The nature of the mind in many people is reactive and racing. Our mind goes and goes and goes all day long, often times jumping from one topic or thought to another. Sometimes we get on a train of thought and all of the sudden, we think, "How did I get here?" on this unrelated topic.

It is a wonderful gift to come to the realization that we can slow down the mind. Being able to slow down the racing, reactive mind 'at will', is one of the components of Self Mastery. You are in charge of your mind. Your mind is not in charge of you! Admittedly, to tame the mind takes some practice. When the Psalmist said, "Be still and know that I am God", he was not talking about being still - as in standing still or not moving. He was referring to "stilling" the mind. It is very difficult to hear (perceive) Spirit, and receive spiritual guidance when the mind is always on the move.

I will continue this message on how to slow down (or tame) the mind next week.

In Love and In Light...Michael

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