Friday, December 24, 2010

Allow Your Christ Light to Shine

I know from talking to so many people (and first hand) that this Holiday Season has been very very busy. It often feels like there is a seemingly endless list of things to-do.  List after list of things to prepare, places to go, functions and events to attend, gifts to purchase...well you know what I mean!

Today, I am here to offer you a gentle reminder, to take time to breathe, to take time to reflect on this special time of year. I invite you to give yourself a gift this year. The gift of allowing the Light of Christ to shine from within you.  The Christ Light is a Divine reflection of our Father/Mother God.

The truth is, you do not need a special time of year to allow the Christ Light to shine in your life. This can happen at any time of year. But for many, it seems that in this season, many are more open to (i.e. have their consciousness more focused on) allowing the Christ Light to shine outward from within.

Life is a process of giving. Feel the joy of giving.

This year, may you be more aware of allowing the Light of Christ to enter into your being. May this Divine reflection transform not only your Holiday's, but all the day's of the New Year.

Many Blessing's to You in the Light of the Christ!
