Monday, February 15, 2010

How To Change Your Life In An Instant

There are times in our lives when things appear to simply not be working. Our life circumstances or present situations appear not to be unfolding as we may have anticipated.

It is at these pivotal points in life when you may be asking yourself, "What should I do?". This is a fair question, but it is the wrong question to ask ourselves. The question itself focuses the mind on action - on what to do.

When we experience challenging times in our life, often times how we think about the problem is part of the problem. Perception is everything! Sooner, rather than later, we come to understand the fact that energy follows thought.

What we think - the nature of our thoughts - influences the energy in and around our bodies. In fact, what we think about influences the very physiology of our bodies. Movie makers know this. By knowing this fact they can create made up senses with the right action and the right sounds to elicit different emotions and tensions within our bodies, even though we know the movie is not real.

Here are the most common mistakes I observe people make when they come face-to-face with life's challenges:

1. They tense up,
2. Their breathing either quickens or they hold their breath,
3. Their mind races through all the worst case scenarios,
4. They re-play the tape in their mind of the problem itself,
5. They re-tell 'their story' to people over and over - reinforcing the energy of the problem.

By responding and thinking this way, the lower attributes of fear, anger, guilt, resentment (or any of their close cousins) can rise to the surface. While experiencing any of these for a brief time may not be the end of world, I encourage us to not get stuck on any of these points for too long.

What we resist, persists. Realize this, the moment we change what and how we are thinking is also the very moment our energy will shift.

I like the wisdom offered to us from the 13th century Persian mystic, Rumi. In one of Rumi's beautiful poems he writes, "Welcome difficulty. Learn the alchemy True Human Beings know: the moment you accept what troubles you've been given, the door opens". (Quote taken from The Illuminated Rumi by Coleman Barks)

When faced with life's challenges, I would like to recommend trying the following:

1. Relax and breathe,
2. Accept the difficulty (this does not mean you have to like it!),
3. Focus the mind on potential solutions - not the problem itself,
4. In your meditations and prayers, invite in Divine intercession to show you the highest and best path to follow,
5. Stand firmly in the belief that solutions are already on their way - in God's speed.

Manifesting goodness in your life is as close to you as your own thoughts -- it can begin in an instant!

In Love and In Light,


Friday, February 5, 2010

The Mind: Tamed or Untamed?

(Part 2)
I ended last week with the statement -- It is very difficult to hear (perceive) Spirit, and receive spiritual guidance when the mind is always on the move. How true this is. Oh it would be great if Divine guidance came to us as depicted in a movie, complete with a loud booming voice, perhaps some thunder for affect. However, in my experience, Divine guidance arrives most commonly in a 'still small voice'.

When our conscious mind is racing and always on the move, it is very difficult to perceive the still small voice of Divine guidance. Our conscious mind appears to be the louder of the two, occupying our attention. One of the tools, if you will, of Self Mastery which can assist us in overcoming or subduing our material life challenges is being able to slow down the mind. Being able to slow down the constant stream of thought in our day. One of the most effective ways to slow down the mind is through the art and science of mediation.

There are many forms of mediation. At the core, meditation helps us to focus and slow down the mind. When we slow down our mind and we ask for Divine guidance or intercession in our life, we are far more likely to hear and be aware of this guidance when it occurs.

If a part of your current spiritual practices include some form of meditation on a regular based, then I encourage you to continue. If a part of your current spiritual practices do not include some form of regular mediation, then I invite you to include this into your daily life. Someone once taught me (I can not remember who or I would give them credit) to think about meditation as my personal appointment with God. Thinking about mediation in this way has helped me make a habit of including mediation into my daily life.

Learning to slow down the racing, reactive mind, will bring countless benefits into your life! One of these benefits will be an increase in the closeness and connectedness of the Divine presence in your life. What a wonderful gift to receive!

Many Blessings to you!
